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Sunday, 29 April 2012

Descriptive Writing

Descriptive Writing
Can you write a description of this chocolate treat?

Friday, 27 April 2012

Writer of the Week - Week 2

Memories of the school year

I have spent many treasurable years at South Park Primary School. I would like to share some of my most treasured memories with everyone.
Firstly, I would like to talk about my most favourite subjects studied at school, which are topic and P.E. I loved topic lessons, as I got to learn about the amazing Ancient Egyptians! P.E. was also great because I love to play sport, such as; football, cricket and tag rugby. Sport is great as it keeps you active, which is good for your health and much better than watching television.

 My biggest challenge throughout the entire year was when we attended the PGL trip. You were made to take part in difficult activities, such as; zip wire, mountain climbing and canoeing! The zip wire challenge was the most difficult activity I have ever had to face. When I looked down from the highest of heights, my stomach felt a tickle. Even though the trip was a huge challenge, I had a great time. Best of all, I got to spend time with my friends.  
Out of everything though, the most fantastic thing was making friends that I will treasure forever. This year, my last year at this school has been wonderful! I hope I am as lucky next year in my new secondary school.

Written by Daniaal

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Memories at South Park Primary

Share your most favourite memories at South
Park Primary School.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Writer of the Week - Week 1


Comedian John Bishop, 45, had just completed a torturous trianthalon, which includes cycling, running and rowing to Calais. This was for raising money for the poor communities around the globe, for a charity named Sports Relief.

As said , it was a tough challenge for John in account that it was raining very hard, there was too much blazing heat and it gets harder each time. John stated that the most difficult was waking up early. In addition to this painful challenge, there were terrible blisters and pains on the legs, although there were massages and ice baths.

This horrendous challenge was over at the second of March. Upon hearing he had  raised £1.6million, John beamed with pride because of his valiant bravery.”  That money will change lives !”John cried out. He was glad it was all brought to an end.

The reason John had excepted this challenge was because of his achievements. Thoughtfully, he desired to help others  who are in need of money. Despite the fact he was corrupted with horrible injuries, he still went for it.    “ No matter how hard it was, I never gave up”, John announced, while hearing his proud fans cheering for him.

To conclude, John Bishop could not believe he had raised so much! Could this be a dream for him? He was shocked and blown away! Bishop explained that all he thought about was charity, even though he had sleep deprivation. He was very contented that it was over, but was glad he raised £1.6 million.

John at the finish line.

Written by Imam