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Friday 7 February 2014

Macbeth Playscript By Hannah

 A glorious Banquet has been arranged by our new king Macbeth, at Glamis castle. To celebrate the coronation. All nobility have been invited to stay, including Banquo and his son fleance.

I think we will go out riding in the forest this afternoon, but we will be back in time for the feast.
(smiles deviously)of course. But hurry back; I don't want to start the feast without you. I want you by my side.(thoughtfully rubbing his hands)

As Banquo and his son-fleance-rode of Macbeth smiled, as this gave him just the opportunity he needed, and he ordered his guards to kill Banquo and his son.

Later that evening, just before the banquet started Macbeth turned to one of his soldiers.

(intentionally)Where have Banquo and fleance got to? it is not like them to miss the feast.

(Messenger enters)

(Whispers)The dead is done. Banquos throat has been cut.

(smirking)Good. And his son?

(Nervously) He got away. Escaped sir.

(Head in hands)NO!(Bellows)NO THIS CAN NOT BE HAPPENING TO ME!

(Macbeth and lady Macbeth enter the banquet hall)

As Macbeth and his wife entered the hall, Banquos ghost entered and sat down on the very seat Macbeth was going to sit on.

(Banquos ghost enters)

(Macbeth Froze)

Macbeth Froze. Appalled at what he had done.Everyone stared at Macbeth then at the empty chair.

(Pointing at empty chair)(Worriedly)GO!LEAVE! I did nothing. I am innocent.

Lady Macbeth:
(Worriedly Whispers)Calm down there is no-one there, you will give the game away.

What do you think will happen next?
Let us know by commenting and I will revel the ending soon!
Try acting this out with your friends.

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